
Saturday 5 January 2013

On the (diet)wagon again!

Today is the 5th of January 2013 and it is with little humour that I noticed my slimming journal started on the 4th of January 2012.  I did so well then too.  I was determined and confident and had a wonderful support group and managed to lose 2 stone by June.  Then I far away from my wonderful support group and nowhere near another support group.  I cannot afford to join online and so I let it slide, I told myself that every creaping pound would be easy to lose again and finally today, I realised that I had well and truly fallen of the wagon when I only weighed 4 pounds less than I did this time last year.  What a waste of time, money and effort.  What a shame!  What a ridiculous thing to do to myself! 

Well, rant of realisation over.  What, I ask myself, am I going to do about it?  Well I am going to pull myself up by my rather large socks, take a deep breath and try again!  So, I am starting this blog to keep account to myself of my daily progress (or not) and to give me perspective and reminders of my daily successes and failures.  If I happen to meet similar minded people on my journey I will be complete in my happiness if we could support each other with sound advice and hearty laughter!

Good luck to me and you if you need it!


  1. Similar person found.....I'm also only a few kgs off where I started when I lost all of that weight...same slap on the wrist, gutted, annoyed...but it is what it is and we start again....sound advice, not sure I have that, but hearty laughter I can heres to us she says raising an empty hand ( red wines fattening you know)!

  2. Well, it seems we've all done the weight loss, whether it be diets or stress and unfortunately the weight that was lost has slowly crept up :( I too managed to lose 2 stone, and thankfully haven't gained it all, but have gained atleast 1 of the 2 and there is more to come off. So, I'll join you on your journey, for support and moaning and helping to stay on the wagon! We'll help each other, whether it's 1 pound or 1 kg at a time we'll be there for each other... ;)
