
Saturday 5 January 2013

It's gonna be a loooong day

So, here I am at 3:01 in the morning.  Having survived the day reasonably unscathed on the 'bad food' front, I now find myself sitting up to avoid coughing and thinking only of how much better I would feel (or less sorry for myself) if I had a nice, big, fat chocolate.

I really want to sleep, need to sleep!  Last night was good,  When I finally fell asleep, I dreamed until late this morning that I WAS the skinny, glamorous, don't give a damn about public opinion Gran that I really want to be.  Then I woke up and wished that my wardrobe full of ill fitting clothes would share my dream.  Alas, they seem hell bent on resisting my futile attempts of looking comfortable and confident.  I will have better success dreaming about eating that damn chocolate and making it come true.......if only my aching body would allow me to fall asleep.

Please excuse the ramblings of an over-tired, chocolate lusting, skinny wannabe, (un)GrumpyGranny!  But you're my friends.....and I'm sure you'll understand.

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